You may want to record your ZiplineX adventure for all your friends and family, and we encourage that! However, there are safe ways to go about recording your adventure that ensure you get the best footage for your home movies with the least risk to your pricey personal gadgets. Follow these tips to make sure you get great footage with minimum risk.

Start With A GoPro Camera

If you don’t already own one, consider it a great investment. GoPro cameras are available with heavy-duty, waterproof cases that make them virtually indestructible—perfect for high flying adventure footage.

Mount Your GoPro

The premiere adventuring camera is available with a wide selection of body mounts perfect for whatever sport you intend to capture. Consider mounts that keep your camera close to the body, like your chest, so you can focus your hands on things other than gripping a camera to get an epic shot.

Forego The Selfies

If you’re a dedicated smartphone photographer, consider handing your phone to someone else in your party to get shots of you on the zip line course. You won’t get those first-person action shots, but you also won’t risk dropping your smartphone in Canyon Creek, or worse, miss an unforgettable moment due to fiddling with a camera.

For more zip line tips and tricks, visit ZiplineX’s blog. To learn more about ZiplineX visit our Course and FAQ pages.

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